Business Schools
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Top Business Schools in Odisha Where there is Maximum Placement, Maximum Industry Interface, Where you can make Highly Dynamic Career to grab the world class Opportunity…Today every Graduate wants to manage industries, companies, firms and to fulfill their dreams they are trying to join B schools for management studies like MBA /BBA and for that they are going through common entrance exams like (CAT, MAT, GMAT, UPTU, SNAP, XAT, IIFT, CMAT, EPAT)etc.
When it comes to preparation for these entrance exams students usually goes for coaching centers, practice online solved question papers, to get high scores only to get admissions in a No-1 B-schools .finally every student knows that “if there is a will there is way" And the only thing which is helpful is self assessment.
Top Business Schools in Odisha
Below is the list of top B Schools in Odisha or if you are looking to join world class Indian B Schools presently having Branches in Odisha :-
(1) Xavier Institute of Management
Address:- Xavier Institute of Management,Xavier Square, Bhubaneswar - 751 013,Contact No: 91-674.3012345 Email Id:,
(2)Regional College of Management
Address:- Chakadola Vihar, Chandrasakharpur ,Bhubaneswar - 751023, Orissa Contact No: +91 0674-2300455
(3) KIIT School of Management and Institute of Professional Studies & Research (IPSAR).
Address: -School of Management, KIIT University, KIIT Campus-7, KRISHNA Campus, Bhubaneswar 751024, Orissa,Contact No.: +91-674-2375700
Email ID:
(4) Institute of planning & Management (IIPM)
Address:-IIPM Tower, A-411 Saheed Nagar, Vani Vihar Square, Janpath Bhubaneshwar -7 Odisha , contact no:- 91-0674-2543499, 2541835,09338005307
(5) Amity Global Business School
Address:-HIG-15,BDA,Gangadhar MeharMarg,JaidevVihar,
(6) International School of Business Management (ISBM)
Address:- Plot no-288,Bhatakhuri, Gangapada, Bhubaneswar, Orissa,Contact: 0674-6450895, 6545077, Email ID:
Best coaching’s for MBA entrance (CAT, MAT, GMAT, and other tests) at Bhubaneswar. We have IIT/ IIM/ ISB alumni as faculties. Contact Please call 9776074399