[caption id="attachment_1394" align="aligncenter" width="500"] http://www.careerodisha.in/[/caption]
About The JEST Examination
Exam For admission in Ph.D. Programmes in Physics
Theoretical Computer Science
Applicants want to take admission for a Ph.D. / Integrated
Ph.D. Programme in Physics or Theoretical Computer Science
in one of the Participating Institutes may appear for the
Joint Entrance Screening Test (JEST).
Name of the institutes
The participating institutes are:
- ARIES Nainital
- HBNI Mumbal
- HRI Allahabad
- Kalpakkam
- lIA Bangalore
- uSc Bangalore
- IISERs at Mohall
- Pune and Thiruvananthapuram
- IMSc Chennai
- lop Bhubaneswar
- IPR Gandhinagar
- IUCAA Pune
- JNCASR Bangalore
- NCRA-T1FR Pune
- NISER Bhubaneswar
- PRI Ahmedabad
- RRCAT Indore
- RRI Bangalore
- SINP Kolkata
- SNBNCBS Kolkata
- UGC-DAE-CSR Indore
- VECC Kolkata
How to Apply For JEST
Candidates for Physics/Theoretical Computer Science can
apply ON-LINE through the website given below.
An application fee is payable.
The exam will be held simultaneously at various
centres across India.
• Date of examination: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 17,2013
from 10-00 AM to 1-00 PM.
. Online application available for submission from
November 10, 2012 to December 10, 2012.
website : http://www.jest.org.in
visit the website for more information
Best of Luck To all candidates of JEST from our career odisha team.