Job vacancy
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A leading Financial Organization required Direct sales Agent (OSA) in all District 0f ODISHA Product-Home appliance (TV. Refrigerator,Washing machine etc.)And two wheeler.
Eligibility for DSA-Minimum 200 sqft. Of office space One Year Exp. In sales and collection.
Job Description:
Following Jobs Given Below is In this Format(POST , POSTING District , NO. Of Post QUALIFICATION, Experience ,SALARY)
HR - BBSR - 02(F) - MBA (Finance) - 01 Year - Fixed + TA GM - BBSR - 01 (M) - Graduation/MBA (Finance) - 02 Years - Fixed + TA ASM -05 Dist. - 05(M) - MBA Marketing/Graduation/MBA (Finance) - 01 Year - Fixed Sales Head (Credit) - BBSR - 02(M/F) - Graduation/MBA (Finance) -02 Years-Fixed + TA Collection Head - BBSR - 02(M/F) - Graduation - 02 Years- Fixed + TA Back off. Operation- BBSR -Graduation/MBA (Finance)-06(M/F) -01 Year -Fixed Accountant- BBSR 02(M/F) + TaIIy- 02 Years - Fixed DSA coordinator- Every Dist. -03 Each Dist.- graduation- 01 Year- Fixed + TA Tele calling - BBSR -05(M/F) - Graduation-6 Months- Fixed
How to apply For These Jobs:
G E P L easy installment
Plot No.-N.51336, Back side of Jupiter College,lRC Village, and BBSR
Office No.:09090510511, 09438744455
Web site:
Email ld.: