BPUT previous year question paper
- Biju Patnaik University of Technology ,BPUT, Rourkela Is a well-known and famous university in India.
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BPUT previous year question papers Of BIOMEDICAL INSTRUMENTATION,7th Semester 2011.
Seventh Semester Examination.
Registration No.:
Total number of printed pages—2 B. Tech.
PEEC 5403 B
Answer Question No. 1 which is compulsory and any five from the rest.
The figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks.
1. Answer. The following in brief: 2x10.
(a) Describe what is depolarization and repolarization.
(b) Which organ initiates the contraction process of the heart?
(c) Briefly name the frequency range classification of a standard EEG signal.
(d) Define what motion artefact is and skin contact impedance.
(e) Define the terms hysteresis and threshold in case of a physiological transducer.
(f) Define what a posistor is and what PTC is.
(g) What ¡s the function of Lead Selector in case of an ECG machine?
(h) Mention the sources of artefacts in case of an ECG signal.
(i) Define what 10/20 system in case of EEG is.
(j) Define Gross Shock and Micro current Shock.
2. (a) Draw and explain the block diagram of an EEG machine.
(b) Explain about various types of heart sounds in brief.
3. (a) Describe in brief about the components of a basic biomedical instrumentation system.
(b) Explain ¡n brief about the classification of microelectrodes.
4. (a) What is Apnoea condition? Describe with neat diagram the working of an Apnoea monitor.
(b) Describe in brief about the various display formats of an EEG signal.
5. (a) Explain with neat diagram the working of NMR blood flow meter.
(b) Define systolic and diastolic pressures. Explain what is the correction factor used in case of blood pressure measurement and why.
6. (a) Explain ¡n brief about any two methods of respiration rate measurement.
(b) Explain in brief about various transducers for body temperature measurement.
7. (a) What is leakage current? Explain the classification of leakage current..5.
(b) Explain in brief about various objectives of Patient Monitoring Systems. 5.
8. Write short notes òn: 5x2.
(a) Analysis of ECG Signal.
(b) Apex cardiograph and Balisto cardiograph.
(c) Types of standards for medical devices.
(d) LEAD types of ECG.
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Biomedical Instrumentation
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