BPUT previous year question paper
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BPUT previous year question papers Of OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING USING C++, Special Examination
Registration No.:
Total number of printed pages—3 B. Tech
BCSE 3201
Special Examination — 2011
Full Marks—70
Time: 3- Hours
Answer Question No. 1 which is compulsory and any five from the rest.
The figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks.
Answer the following questions: 2x10
(a) What is a C++ template?
(b) What’s the best way to declare and define global variables?
(C) What is inheritance and what are the different types of inheritance available in C++?
(d) What is a constructor? What is a default constructor?
(e) What is the difference between char a [J = “string”; and char *p = “string”?
(f) How do you decide which integer type to use?
(g) How do you declare an array of N pointers to functions returning pointers to functions returning pointers to characters?
(h) What is “abstraction” and why do we use it?
(I) what is an “invariant”?
(j) What is the difference among public, protected and private members of a class?
2. (a) How does an inline function differs from a preprocessor macro? 2
(b) How polymorphism is achieved at compile time and run time? Give an example of a program that uses polymorphism. 3
(c) Define a class for a complex number. Write a program to read and print the complex number. . 5
3. (a) The voltage gain of an amplifier is given by the formula
Voltage gain = [275/ {root over of (square of 23 + square (.5f)}] ^n
Where f is the frequency in Hertz and n is the number of stages ¡n the amplifier. Write a complete C++ program that asks the user to input values for n and f, calculates the value of the voltage gain using the formula and produces the following display on the terminal screen:
At a frequency of X hertz, the voltage gain is Y where X is replaced by the frequency and Y is replaced by the voltage gain. 5
(b) Write a function that returns the mean of the n elements of an array of type double. 5
4. (a) List the three ways of passing a parameter (or return value) in C++. For each indicate:
- Whether the method makes a copy of the object passed.
- Whether the method allows passing of constant objects..
- Whether the method supports polymorphism and virtual dispatch.
- Whether the method allows implicit type conversions to be performed. 5
(b) Write a template function “max” that returns the largest element in an array of N elements. You can assume that N> 1. Select a reasonable and simple interface. 5
5. (a) What does the reference operator do? What is the difference between passing an argument by reference and passing it by value? .4
(b) Consider the following class Fao, (for which one constructor is written).Write a destructor, a copy constructor and an assignment operator that would be appropriate for the class. 6
. class F00 (
public :
int* p; .
Foo(void) (
p = new int[1O];
for (int k = O; k < 10; k ÷= 1) {
P[k] = k;
6 (a) Declare a C++ structure to contain the following five pieces of Information about cars on a used car lot: 4
(1) the manufacturer of the car.
(2) the model name of the car.
(3) the number of miles on the odometer.
(4) the asking price for the car.
(b) Write a template function a/bc that takes two parameters:
n: the size of the array to allocate .
Val: a value of type T
The alloc function should allocated an array of type T with n elements and set all elements in the array to the value Val. A pointer to the array is returned. 6
7. (a) Give two different ways that an alias can be created for an integer variable ¡in a C++ program.
(b) Write a program that uses a 2-dimensional m x n double array A. Declare the variable A and write the C++ code required to allocate and deallocate the array (assume that m and n are declare arid their values are known).
8. (a) Distinguish between virtual member functions and non-virtual member functions. 2.5
(b) Why are internal data members of a base class declared protected instead of private? 2.5
(c) Define the terms static scoping and dynamic scoping and give a very simple example of each. 2.5
(d) Explain what the following three lines ‘do” when executed? 2.5
Tmp = new int(1O);
4Tmp=65: .
. delete [] Tmp;
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BPUT previous year question papers Of OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING USING C++, Special Examination 2011 PDF file
OOPs using C++
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