Sunday, 23 December 2012

BPUT previous year question papers FLEXIBLE AC Transmission SYSTEM 7th Semester 2011

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BPUT previous year question paper

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BPUT previous year question paper

BPUT previous year question papers Of FLEXIBLE AC & TRANSMISSION SYSTEM, 7th Semester 2011.

PEEE 5404.

Seventh Semester Examination — 2011.


Full Marks—70.

Time: 3- Hours.

Answer Question No. 1 which is compulsory and any five from the rest.

The figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks.

  1. Answer the following questions: 2x10.

a)      Which parameters of a transmission line restricts the line loading capacity?

b)      What are the effects of injecting voltage in series with a transmission line?

c)       What are the objectives of shunt compensation?

d)      Why a static VAR compensator is not used as a perfect terminal voltage regulator, in many of the applications?

e)      Define transient stability of power system.

f)       What is sub synchronous resonance?

g)      Draw the characteristics between transmitted power and transmission angle provided by the SSSC as a parametric function of the series compensating voltage.

h)      What are the objectives of UPFC in power transmission?

i)        Draw the phasor diagram of a two machine system with controlled series capacitive compensation.

j)        Draw the circuit of a two machine system controlled with a phase angle regulator.

2. (a) Explain the power flow and dynamic stability considerations of a transmission interconnection.

(b) How can the transient stability of a power system be improved with the of shunt compensation?

3. Explain the performance and operating characteristics of TCR and TSR.

4. (a) What are the concepts of series compensation.

(b) How GCSC can be used as a series compensator to improve AC transmission system?

5. (a) What are the objectives of voltage and phase angle regulators?

(b) How can the power flow control be carried out using phase angle regulators?

6. (a) Explain the basic operating principles of UPFC.

(b) What are the capacities of UPFC to control real and reactive power flow transmission system? ‘

7. (a) Explain the dynamic performance of UPFC for power flow control in transmission system.

(b) What are the basic operating principles of IP FC?

8. Write short notes on any two:

(a) Sub synchronous harmonics



(d) Generalized and multi-functional FACTS controllers.

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BPUT previous year question paper

BPUT previous year question paper

BPUT previous year question papers Of FLEXIBLE AC & TRANSMISSION SYSTEM, 7th Semester 2011 PDF file

Flexible AC & Transmission System
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