Tuesday, 15 January 2013

BPUT previous year question paper Of MECHANICS, 1st Semester 2011

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BPUT previous year question paper



  • Biju Patnaik University of Technology ,BPUT, Rourkela Is a well-known and famous university in India.

  • Biju Patnaik University of Technology , BPUT , Rourkela has been established by an Act of the Assembly, Government of Odisha in June 2002.

  • Engineering, Pharmacy, Architecture, M.Tech, Fashion designing and MCA and MBA degree etc. are the courses provided under this university.

  • You Can Download all previous year Semester question paper Of BPUT Here For Free.

BPUT previous year question paper

BPUT previous year question paper

Registration No.:.

Total number of printed pages—4 B. Tech.

BE 2104.

First Semester Examination — 2011.


Full Marks—70.

Time: 3 Hours.

Answer Question No. 1 which ¡s compulsory and any live from the rest.

The figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks.

1.Answer the following questions: 2x10.

4a’ State and explain the principle of superposition of forces.

(b Show that the moment of a force about a point ¡n equal to twice the area of the triangle formed by joining the point with two ends of the force represented by a straight line as magnitude.

(c) Prove that a force applied on a body at a given point can be replaced by an equal force at another point together with a couple.

d) Write down the assumptions of an ideal plane truss.

e) Distinguish between the C.G and centroid.

f)- State Pappus theorem - land theorem - ii.

g) What is impact?.

h) Write down the principle of momentum and impulse.

(i) Show that the trajectory path is parabolic.

(j) Derive the equation of motion of a rigid body rotating about a fixed axis.

2. Two smooth circular cylinders, each of weight W 450 N and radius r =150 mm are connected at their centers by a string AB of length I = 400 mm and rests upon a horizontal plane, supporting above them a third cylinder of weight Q = 900 N and radius 150mm as shown ¡n Fig.1.

Find the tension in the string and reactions indicated on the floor at the points of contact D and E. 10.

3. A 6 m long uniform ladder weighing 300N is placed against a vertical wall as shown in the Fig. 2.

At what distance from the lower end of the ladder, a man weighing 800N should climb before slipping of the ladder starts.

The coefficient of friction between all the contact surfaces ¡s 0.2.    10.

Find the axial forces in the bars 1,2,3, 4,5 and 6 of the place truss as supported and loaded in the Fig. 3.


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BPUT previous year question paper

BPUT previous year question paper

BPUT previous year question paper

BPUT previous year question paper

BPUT previous year question paper Of MECHANICS, 1st Semester 2011 PDF file.




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