BPUT previous year question paper
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BPUT previous year question paper
BPUT previous year question paper .
Registration no:.
Total number of printed pages—4 B. Tech.
BE 2103.
First Semester Examination — 2011.
Full Marks—70.
Time: 3 Hours
Answer Question No. 1 which is compulsory and any five from the rest.
The figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks.
ï. Answer the following questions: 2x10.
(a) Water has a density of 1000kg/rn3 at room temperature. What is the specific volume of the water? Calculate the volume occupied by 2kg of water at room temperature.
(b) Convert the following units and write down their dimensions.
(i) 106 joules to KWh.
(ii) 40 bar-m3 to KJ.
(c) A certain gas of mass 2kg is enclosed in a container of volume 1.039m3 at a pressure of 200 Kpa and temperature of 400k.
What could be the gas? Justify.
(d) Water exerts at a pressure 10 bar and temperature 400DC. Determine the phase in which it exists. Find the specific volume of this water in m3/kg.
Draw the T-V diagram and show the condition of water there in.
(e) An ideal gas at pressure P1 and temperature T1 is enclosed in a rigid insulated container separated from a vacuum space by a membrane which is ruptured and the gas expands freely into the vacuum.
Neglecting the work done in rupturing the membrane, determine the final temperature of the gas after it has reached equilibrium in the entire volume of the container. Justify your answer.
(f) Which of the following integrals are properties? Justify your answer.
(i) ý pdv.
(ii) d(pv).
(iii) T ds.
(iv) d(Ts).
(y) §dU.
(vi) ds.
(g) A gas ¡n a cylinder with a spring loaded piston undergoes an expansion process as shown in the figure given. The initial state 1 and the final state.
2 are shown ¡n the figure. Find the work done ¡n KJ.
(h) Explain the terms Thermal Energy Reservoirs (TER), source and sink.
(j) Establish the equation of differential entropy change of an ¡deal gas as given below:
ds = cdT/T+R dV/V.
(The notations are standard ones).
(j) An inventor claims to have developed a refrigerator that maintains the refrigerated space at 2°C while operating in a room at 25°C and that has a COP of 13.5.
ls this claim reasonable? Justify.
2. (a) Consider a device with one inlet and one outlet.
If the volume flow rates at the inlet and at the outlet are the same, is the flow through this device necessarily steady?
Justify your answer. Draw the schematic of the device.
(b) Calculate R, C and C of Co2 gas in SI units, given adiabatic index (K) as 1.33. 6
3. An ideal gas is heated at constant volume until its temperature is doubled and then cooled at constant pressure to the original temperature.
Finally the gas ¡s expanded isothermally to the initial state.
(a) Draw the cycle on the P-V diagram.
(b) Derive a relation to estimate the net work done in terms of the absolute temperature at the initial conditionT1. 10.
4. The velocity and enthalpy of a fluid at the inlet of a horizontally placed insulated nozzle are 60 rn/s and 2500 kJ/kg respectively. The enthalpy at the exit of the nozzle is 2200 kJ/kg. Find the following:
(a) Velocity of the fluid at exit of the nozzle ¡n rn/s.
(b) Mass flow rate in kg/s,if the cross sectional area of the nozzle at inlet is 0.07m2 and the specific volume is 0.20m3/kg.
(c) Exit area in m2 of the nozzle if the specific volume at the exit is 0.5Om3kg.
(d) Draw the schematic diagram of the nozzle with data. 10
5. (I) Steam is generated at 10 bar absolute pressure from water at 30°C.
Determine the heat required to produce 1 kg of steam, when
(a) The dryness fraction(x) is 0.9.
(b) Steam is dry saturated.
(c) Steam is superheated to 300°C. (Assume sp. heat of superheated steam as 2.093kJ/kgK).
(d) Draw the p-v diagram and show the condition of steam for the above cases. 8.
(ii) Define dryness fraction, degree of superheat, compressed liquid, latent heat of vaporization. 2.
6. (a) Prove that no heat engine working on a cycle between two fixed heat reservoirs can be more efficient than a reversible heat engine operating between the same two reservoirs. 4
(b) It is proposed to use a reversed Carnot engine as a refrigerator and also a heat pump. The unit consumes 10 kW power. If the COP is 3.5 as a refrigerator, determine: 6.
(i) The refrigeration capacity in kW.
(ii) COP. if it is used as a heat pump.
(iii) The heating capacity of the heat pump in kW.
Draw the schematic of the reversed Carnot cycle.
7. 0.5 m3of air at 30°C and 1 bar is compressed reversibly and polytropically to 0.08 m3. Find the following: 10
(a) Mass of air compressed in kg.
(b) The final pressure in bar and temperature in °C.
(c) The work done in kJ.
(d) Change in internal energy ¡n kJ.
(e) Change in enthalpy in kJ.
8. (a) A manometer ¡s used to measure the pressure n a tank The fluid used in the manometer has a specific gravity of 085 and the manometer column height is 55 cm. If the local atmospheric pressure is 96 kPa, determine the absolute pressure within the tank in kPa .What is the gage pressure in the case2 Draw the schematic of the manometer connected with the tank with data. 4
(b) Describe with a neat sketch the principle of operation of a single stage, single acting reciprocating air compressor.
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