Sunday, 23 December 2012

BPUT previous year question papers Of FLUID MECHANICS AND HYDRAULIC MACHINES, 3rd Semester

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BPUT previous year question papers


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BPUT previous year question papers

BPUT previous year question papers Of FLUID MECHANICS AND HYDRAULIC MACHINES, 3rd Semester


B Tech


Third Semester Examination — 2011




(Old and New Course)


Full Marks_70


Time —3 Hours


(Student are required to give their answer any one Course According to the Syllabus)




1.            Answer Question No. I which ¡s compulsory and any five from the remaining


The figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks.


Answer ¡n brief all the fol1oWng questions: 2x10


(a) Draw the stress velocity gradient diagram of ideal fluid, Newtonian fluid,


Non Newtonian fluid and plastic fluid in one diagram. .


(b) Define Mach number. Define its importance with respect to fluid compressibility.


(c) Does a velocity field given by [U = 5x^3i — 15x^2yj+tk] represent a possible fluid motion of an incompressible fluid?


(d) What is the difference between Centre of pressure and Centre of buoyancy?


(e) Explain Archimedes’ principle.


(f) Define the terms speed ratio, flow ratio and jet ratio ¡n case of hydraulic turbine.


(g) What do you mean by positive displacement of pump?


(h) Define slip and percentage of slip.


(i) What do you mean by governing of turbine?


(j) Mention three possible ways to increase the sensitivity of manometer.


2. (a) What do you mean by surface tension? Calculate surface tension, for:  5


(i) A liquid drop let

(ii) a hollow bubble.


(b) Explain capillarity and describe capillary rise and fall. 5


3. (a) What is the use of manometers ? 2


(b) Describe Bourdon tube pressure gauge. 4


(c) The pressure between two points A and B in a pipe conveying oil of specific gravity 0.8 is measured by an inverted U-tube. The columns connected to point B stands 1.6m higher than that at point A. A commercial pressure gauge attached directly to the pipe at A reads 1.125 Kg (f)/ cm2. Determine its reading when attached directly to the pipe at B. 4

4. A rectangular pontoon 10m long, 7 m board and 2.5 rn deep weighs

686.7 KN. It carries an empty boiler of 5m diameter weighing 588.6 KN on its upper deck. The center of gravity of the boiler and the pontoon are their respective centers along a vertical line. Find the meta-centric height. Sp.


Weight of sea water is 10.104 KNIm2. 10


5. Describe venture-meter and calculate actual discharge. 10


6. The following data refer to a radial flow reaction turbine: 10

Overall efficiency = 80%, Power to be developed 150 KW, Available head = 8m, Speed ratio = 0.96, Flow ratio = 0.36, Speed of turbine = 150 rpm, Hydraulic losses equal to 22% of available energy. . ‘


7. Draw neat sketches and find:


(a) Angle of guide blade at inlet


(b) Wheel vane angle at inlet


(c) Diameter of wheel


(d) Width of wheel at inlet.


7. A centrifugal pump running at 1000rpm. Discharges 250 lit/sec of water against a head of 30m. At the outlet, the vanes are curved back at 300 and velocity of flow is 3m/s. 1f the manometric efficiency is 80%, determine the diameter and width of the impeller at the outlet. Draw velocity triangles.




8. Write short notes on any two: 5x2


(a) Draft tube


(b) Siphon


(c) Pascal’s Law.



Answer Question No. I which is corn compulsory and any five from the rest.


The figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks.


1. Answer the following questions: 2x10


(a) Differentiate between Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluid.


(b) A plate of 0.0254 mm distant from a fixed plate moves at 61 cm/sec and requires a force of 0.2 kg (f)/m2 to maintain this speed .Determine the dynamic viscosity of the fluid between the plates.


(C) What is metacentric height of a body? Why is it an important consideration for a body?.


(d) Distinguish between stream line and streak line.


(e) What is a flow net and what is its significance?


(f) Write the expression for equation of continuity in differential form.


(g) Differentiate between reaction and impulse turbine.


(h) What is cavitation in turbine?


(i) What is Reynolds number and what is its significance?


(j) What do you mean by overall efficiency of turbine?


2. (a) State and explain Pascal’s law with an appropriate mathematical proof. Through a very narrow gap of height h, a thin plate of large extent is pulled at a velocity V. On one side of the plate is oil of viscosity p, and on other side oil of viscosity p2. Calculate the position of the plate so that the shear force on the two sides of the plate is equal and pull required to drag the plate is minimum. 5


3. a) The vertical side of a reservoir has a rectangular opening of 2.75 m long and 1.2 m high. It is closed by a plate using 4 bolts placed at the corners of the opening. What would be the tension in the bolts if water stands to a height of 1.8 m above the top edge of the opening which is horizontal?


b) A wooden cylinder of diameter d and length 2d floats in water with axis vertical is the equilibrium stable? Locate the metacenter with reference to water surface. Specific gravity of wood is 0.6. 5


4. a) Explain and provide a .mathematical derivation of Bernoulli’s theorem. Justify that it follows from the conservation of energy principle. 5

(b) A venture meter has its axis vertical the inlet and throat diameter being 150mm and 75mm respectively. The throat is 225 m above inlet and k (coefficient of actual discharge) =0.96. Petrol of specific gravity 0.78 flows up through the meter at a role of O.029m3/s. Find the pressure difference between inlet and the throat. 5


5. (a) A pipeline 0.225 m in diameter and 1580m long has a slope of 1j


200 for the first 790 m and 1 in 100 for the next 790m. The pressure at the upper end of the pipe line is 107.91 kpa and the lower end.53.955kpa. Taking f=0.032, determine the discharge through the pipe.

(b) State and explain laws of fluid friction and Archimedes principle.


6. (a) Explain in brief about performance characteristic curves of turbine


(b) How model testing of turbines are done.


(c) A Francis turbine working a under head of 5m at a speed of 210rpm develops 75 kw when the rate of flow of water is 1 .8m3/s. The runner diameter is 1 m. If the head on this turbine is increased to 16i determine its new speed, discharge and power.


7. (a) What are the various types of losses occurring during the operation of a centrifugal pump.


(b) A pump operates at a maximum efficiency of 82% and deliver 2.25 m^3/sec speed under a head of the 18 m while running at 3600 rpm speed. Compute specific speed of the pump. Also determine t discharge head and power input to pump at a shaft speed 2400 rpm. Cite the assumptions made if any.


8. Short notes on: 2x5


a)            Steady flow and unsteady flow


b)            Uniform flow and non-uniform flow


c)            Rotational flow and ir-rotational flow


d)            Laminar flow and turbulent flow


e)            Eulorian analysis of fluid kinematics.



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BPUT previous year question papers

BPUT previous year question papers Of FLUID MECHANICS AND HYDRAULIC MACHINES, 3rd Semester 2011 PDF file

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