Sunday, 23 December 2012

BPUT previous year question papers Of PRINCIPLES OF SOFT COMPUTING, 7th Semester 2011

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BPUT previous year question paper

  • Biju Patnaik University of Technology ,BPUT, Rourkela Is a well-known and famous university in India.

  • Biju Patnaik University of Technology , BPUT , Rourkela has been established by an Act of the Assembly, Government of Odisha in June 2002.

  • Engineering, Pharmacy, Architecture, M.Tech, Fashion designing and MCA and MBA degree etc. are the courses provided under this university.

  • You Can Download all previous year Semester question papers Of BPUT Here For Free.

BPUT previous year question paper

BPUT previous year question papers Of PRINCIPLES OF SOFT COMPUTING, 7th Semester 2011.

Number of printed pages—3 B. Tech

PCIT 4401

Seventh Semester Examination — 2011


Full Marks —70

Time: 3- Hours

Answer Question No. 1 which is compulsory and any five from the rest.

The figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks.

1.  Answer the following in brief: 2x10.

a) What ¡s Fuzzy logic? Give an example.

(b) Why ‘Perceptron learning is called as a ‘supervised learning’? Explain.

(C) Mention two ‘classical’ dissimilarities of ‘GA’ and ‘traditional’ search algorithms. .

(d) State two merits of an ART net.

(e) What is ‘leaky learning’?

(f) What is a fuzzy logic controller (FLC) ? Mention its various types.

(g) Name two recurrent neural nets. Mention one functional difference between these.

(h) ‘Single pint crossover is more desired than bitwise mutation’, why?

(I) what is angular fuzzy set? Give an example.

(j) Explain why generalized A rule is more useful that ordinary A rule ¡n back propagation?

BPUT previous year question papers Of PRINCIPLES OF SOFT COMPUTING, 7th Semester 2011 Image Format.

BPUT previous year question paper

BPUT previous year question paper

BPUT previous year question paper

BPUT previous year question papers Of PRINCIPLES OF SOFT COMPUTING, 7th Semester 2011 PDF file.


Principles of Soft Computing

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