BPUT previous year question paper
- Biju Patnaik University of Technology ,BPUT, Rourkela Is a well-known and famous university in India.
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BPUT previous year question paper
Registration No. :
Total number of printed pages—2 B. Tech
PCBT 4402
Seventh Semester Examination — 2011
Full Marks —70
Time: 3-Hours
Answer Question No. 1 which is compulsory and any five from the rest.
The figures ¡n the right-hand margin indicate marks.
Answer the following questions: 2x10
(a) Write down the rate equation with example.
(b) What are the reasons for non-ideality ¡n the flow pattern of bioreactors?
(c) What is space time and space velocity?
(d) Write down the mass balance equation for plug flow reactor.
(e) What is the critical dilution rate? Write down the mathematical expression for it.
(f) In a typical aerobic fermentation process, the diffusivity coefficient for oxygen into the fermentation broth is 8x1010m2/s. The stagnant liquid
film thickness was calculated to be 6 microns. Find the mass transfer
coefficient for oxygen based on film theory.
(g) Differentiate between plug flow reactor (PFR) and continuous stirred tank
reactor (CSTR).
(h) What is the function of sparger in a bioreactor?
(i) Write down the relation between Qour and Qsco
(j) What is aspect ratio of a fermenter?
2. What ¡s meànt by residence time distribution (RTD)? Describe RTD studies
of ideal non-ideal flow bioreactor. 4+6
3. A 10m3 fermenter ¡s operated continuously with feed substrate concentration 50kgm3. The microorganism cultivated in the reactor has the following
characteristics: = O.56h, K = 0.75 kg /rn3, Y= 0.5 kg kg-1.
Maintenance requirement and product formation are negligible. 5+5
(i) What teed flow rate is required to achieve 90% substrate conversion?
(ii) How does the biomass productivity at 92% substrate conversion compare
with the maximum possible biomass productivity?
4. What is plug flow reactor? Describe the basic design principles and kinetics of PFR. 2+8
5. Write short notes on the following: 5+5
(j) Air lift fermenter
(ii) Programmed Reactor
6. Describe briefly the concept of design of a fermenter. What factor do you
consider as essential for a successful design and operation of a fermenter?
7. Write short notes on the following: 5+5
(a) Reactor stability
(b) Biosensors
8. In a fed-batch culture operating with intermittent addition of glucose solution,
values of the following parameters are given at time t= 2h, when the system
is at quasi-steady state: 2.5x4
Culture volume (V) = 1000 ml
Substrate concentration (S0) = 100 gm glucose / liter
Limiting rate constant (Ks) = 0.1gm glucose / liter
Initial amount of biomass in the reactor (X) = 30gm
BPUT previous year question paper Of BIOREACTOR DESIGN AND ANALYSIS, 7th Semester 2011 Image Format.
BPUT previous year question paper Of BIOREACTOR DESIGN AND ANALYSIS, 7th Semester 2011 PDF file.
Bioreactor Design & Analysis
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