Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Easy Way To Improve Your Spoken English

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Spoken English

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ONE WORD Substitutes To Improve Your Spoken English volume -2

There are  some one Word Substitution Given Below with it's uses.
Read,write and Apply These Words To improve your Spoken English .

This is Volume-2 which contain more 50 must-learn one word substitutes.

51.One who lives at another’s expenseParasiteMy unemployment metaphorically makes me a parasite to my father.
52.The middle class peopleBourgeoisUS President Barrack Obama always emphasizes to make the bourgeois prosperous.
53.A panacea to nullify the effects of poisonAntidoteAccording to IAC chieftain, Arvind Kejriwal, Lok Janpal Bill is an antidote vis-à-vis the existing rampant corruption.
54.Someone who ingurgitates human fleshCannibalIt is not uncommon that some tribal people practice cannibalism.
55.Someone who is in the age range of 60 to 69SexagenarianSexagenarian anti graft crusader Anna Hazare has sequestered himself from Arvind Kejriwal.
56.Someone who is in the age range of 70 to 79SeptuagenarianThere is absolutely no paucity of septuagenarian politicians in the parliament.
57.Someone who is in the age range of 80 to 81OctogenarianGeriatric ailments are common in case of octogenarian people.
58.Someone who is in the age range of 90 to 99NonagenarianMy grandfather who is a nonagenarian is still capable of perambulating several kilometers.
59.Someone whose age is either 100 or beyond itCentenarianCentenarians are treasure trove of the knowledge about how to live a healthy life.
60.The spokesperson of political party

  • Spin doctor

  • Mouthpiece

Political spin doctors always circumvent the conundrums bombarded by the media.
61.Assembly or parliament in which no party has received clear majorityHungThe existing British government is an example of hung parliament.
62.Anything that can bring death or threat to life

  • Fatal

Smoking cigarettes and chewing tobacco can be fatal.
63.A person whose face resembles another

  • Doppelganger

  • Duplicate

  • Simulacrum

  • Replica

  • Look alike

  • Alter ego

Being a doppelganger of a popular celebrity makes people eager to have confabulation with you.
64.Something which is no longer in use

  • Obsolete

  • Redundant

Postal services have almost become obsolete.
65.Language / writing / talk which is unintelligible

  • Gibberish

  • Gobbledygook

  • Abracadabra

  • Jargon

  • Argot

  • patois

Pedantic people often regurgitate gibberish which can discombobulate a layperson.

  • Born after the death of a father

  • Published after the demise of the author

PosthumousAustralian actor Heath Ledger received a posthumous Oscar for his portrayal of Joker in Christopher Nolan directed movie “THE DARK KNIGHT”.
67.A meeting  planned at a certain time and locationRendezvousInamorata and inamorato rendezvous with each other at romantic parks.
68.Someone who is back from a lengthy absenceRevenantOwing to his lung cancer, Yuvraj Singh has become a revenant in Team India.
69.To examine with the eye to make a prima facie survey / scrutinyReconnoiterPrior to the arrival of US President Barrack Obama, the airport has been reconnoitered.
70.A formal forgiveness of one’s sinsAbsolutionSinners seek absolution from Almighty.
71.Existing during the same period of timeCoevalHarbhajan Singh and Virendra Sehwag are coeval.
72.Someone who is au fait with any subjectConnoisseurMy mother is a culinary connoisseur.
73.Of or pertaining to the bank of a riverRiparianI have always been mesmerized by riparian breeze.
74.Of or pertaining to winter seasonHibernalDryness of skin is the harbinger of hibernal season.
75.Of or pertaining to agricultureAgrarianIndia’s agrarian apparatus needs to be galvanized.
76.A shoddily dressed person

  • Tatterdemalion

  • Ragamuffin

Penurious tatterdemalions often take shelter in footpath.
77.To cut off the head of somebody

  • Decapitate

  • Decollate

  • Behead

American journalist who was abducted by Al Qaida was decapitated later.
78.To make someone be free from any guilt / crime charges

  • Exonerate

  • Exculpate

Ajay Jadeja has exonerated from match fixing charges.
79.Something which is the indicator of the commencement of a particular even or arrival of someoneHarbingerClouds are the harbingers of an imminent rain.
80.A person whose all the four limbs are paralyzedQuadriplegicHospitals should take special care of the quadriplegic patients.
81.Someone who has recently become rich

  • Arriviste

  • Parvenu

  • Nouveau riche

Entrepreneurship has become a mantra to be an arriviste.
82.Someone’s weakness/loophole/drawbackAchilles heelAwful fielding has always been Indian cricket team’s Achilles heel.
83.An intrepid and venturesome personArgonautArgonauts feel the adrenaline rush to indulge in daredevilry.
84.Cessation from hostilities between two rivals

  • Rapprochement

  • Armistice

  • Thaw

After Salman Khurshid’s escalation as the incumbent minister of external affairs, a rapprochement between India and Pakistan might be in offing.
85.A constant and imminent peril / dangerSword of DamoclesIncarceration for criminal conduct has always been a sword of Damocles for Hindi film actors like Sanjay Dutt and Salman Khan.
86.An object of dread or apprehension

  • Bugbear

  • Hobgoblin

Industrial catastrophe like the Bhopal Gas Disaster has always been the hobgoblin for Indian citizens.
87.Treasurer of a collegeBursarBursar is the one who takes cognizance of the transaction within the purview of a varsity.
88.Someone who is adhered to inconsequential details & is very difficult to please

  • Pernickety

  • Fastidious

My fastidious English professor would not brook a cacography in my dissertation.
89.The feeling / sense of unity in a team / groupEsprit de corpsLatter day management gurus have been emphasizing the importance of esprit de corps within an organization framework.
90.A malicious slander against someoneCalumnyMedia is often accused of what celebrities and politicians refer to as calumny.
91.A rambunctious public speaker

  • Rhetorician

  • Orator

  • Tub-thumper

Abraham Lincoln was a bona fife tub thumper.
92.Disguise of guns, ships et cetera effected by obscuring outline with splashes of various colorsCamouflage

  • Machiavellian politicians often camouflage their true intentions.

  • Military personnel exploit the camouflage modus operandi to remain concealed.

93.Grotesque representation of a person by over-emphasis on characteristicsCaricatureCartoonist Asim Trivedi was temporarily incarcerated for his caricature on Indian constitution and parliament.
94.Supreme conflict of the nationsArmageddonUnited Nation leaves no stones unturned to avert an Armageddon.
95.Listening to the movement of heartAuscultationDoctors perform auscultation to scrutinize the activity of heart.
96.Right of self governmentAutonomyOur engineering college doesn’t have the autonomy to conduct its own examinations.
97.Practice of continuously improving the way in which a company operatesKaizenKaizen modus operandi is a sure fire way to accomplish consumer satisfaction and brand equity maintenance.
98.Sentence, words lacking grammatical sequenceAnacoluthonAn interviewee should avoid an anacoluthon whilst composing his CV.
99.Word and phrase formed from the letters of anotherAnagramBALM and LAMB are anagram to each other.
100.A drug whose purpose is to diminish the body temperature

  • Antipyretic

  • Febrifuge

Doctor prescribed me some febrifuges to make my body temperature diminish.

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