Friday, 8 February 2013

Free Online Spoken English

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Free Online Spoken English

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ONE WORD Substitutes To Improve Your Spoken English volume -4

Free Online Spoken English

There are some one Word Substitution Given Below with it's uses.
Read,write and Apply These Words To  improve improve  Spoken English .

This is Volume-3 which contain more 50 must-learn one word substitutes.

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150.One who is completely self-satisfiedComplacentSuccess and triumph make people complacent.
151.The intelligent and educated class of society or countryIntelligentsiaIntelligentsia are the think-tank of society.
152.Boredom and frustration in lifeEnnuiEnnui is the genesis of the desire to end life.
153.Any creative group active in the innovation and application of new concepts and techniquesvanguardRolex is the vanguard of world’s most sophisticated watchmakers.
154.One who is interested in welfare of peopleAltruistWipro chairman Azim Premji is renowned for being an altruist.
155.An official bulletinCommuniquéNo communiqué for the blanket moratorium on the use of plastic bags has been issued so far.
156.To compensate a person for loss or damage

  • Indemnify

  • Reimburse

Government should indemnify those whose houses were engulfed in the fire triggered by short circuit.
157.A covert and surreptitious watch kept over someoneSurveillanceClose circuit television surveillance has become a modus operandi of espionage.
158.Existing only in nameTitular

Enjoying titular echelons no longer seems appealing to the younger demographics.
159.A place where a monk livesMonasteryMonastery is the ancient version of school.
160.A portrait of a person with only the outline of the profileSilhouetteVisualizing a person from a dark to light background creates a silhouette of that person.
161.A lover

  • Paramour

  • Inamorata (female lover)

  • Inamorato (male lover)

Bipasha Basu used to be John Abraham’s inamorata.
162.A person having the authority to inquire into the grievances of the citizens against public authoritiesOmbudsmanOnly an ombudsman can honestly entertain the grievances of people.
163.A long journeyOdysseyThe odyssey of CURIOSITY occurred from Earth to Mars.
164.Personal reminiscence in a narrative formMemoirMemoirs of politicians have always been controversial.
165.One who is out to destroy the governmentAnarchistIndian government would not brook the presence of an anarchist on its soil.
166.An act of dethroning a government from powerPutschVeteran politician and erstwhile bureaucrat Pyari Mohan Mohapatra’s attempt of putsch against Naveen Pattanaik was sabotaged by Naveen Pattnaik’s army of devotees.
167.One who acts against religionHereticHeretics shouldn’t hurt the religious sentiments of those who are adhered to a religion.
168.One who knows everything

  • Omniscient

  • Know-it-all

  • Know-all

Malcom Gladwell is a management know-it-all.
169.One who is all powerfulOmnipotentOnly God can be venerated as omnipotent.
170.One who believes in GodTheistTheists pray to God during cataclysm.
171.One who gainsays the existence of GodAtheist

Atheists do not hold God responsible for the consequences of their own actions.
172.One who is versed in multiple talents

  • Versatile

  • Polymath

Clint Eastwood is versatile Hollywood actor.
173.One who abstains himself from drinking alcoholic beveragesTeetotalerTeetotalers are alien to the disease cirrhosis.
174.One who is a habitual drunkardToperA toper’s inebriation may make him behave indecently.
175.One who walks while asleepSomnambulist

Somnambulists often end up annoying those who sleep in their proximity.
176.An art , science, or profession of teachingPedagogyThe pedagogy of Indian school education needs to be revamped.
177.Average or ordinaryRun-of-the-millNow-a-days, the novel of Chetan Bhagat seem run-of-the-mill.
178.An area with people who are different in some way from the people in the areas around itEnclaveReal estate developers are trying to build special enclaves for the crème-de-la-crème citizens of the society.
179.An area that is not close to any cities or townsHinterlandA city’s hinterland is notorious for being epicenter of criminal activities.
180.An area within which someone or something has authority, influence or knowledgePurviewGranting clemency to Ajmal Amir Qasav is within the purview of the president of India.
181.An angry woman who often complains about and criticizes other peopleViragoOur landlady is a virago.
182.All the things that a person is able to doRepertoirePlaying straight drive is part of Rahul Dravid’s repertoire.
183.An amount of money paid for a serviceHonorariumBritish comedian,  Rowan Atkinson received an honorarium for  his participation in the London-2012 Olympics opening ceremony
184.An activity in that more and more people are becoming involvedBandwagonMore and more number of young generation citizens have joined the anti corruption bandwagon of Arvind Kejriwal.
185.An act of trying to impress someone by saying the names of well-known people that one knows or metName-droppingThe potential of name-dropping can be exploited to build rapport with infuencial people. ability to stay calm in difficult or dangerous situationsSang-froidEntrepreneurs always display sang-froid during adverse market conditions.
187.Best or most important part of something ; the point of greatest success or achievementPinnacleVishwanathan Anand has made his chess ranking reach the pinnacle.
188.Clear message or request for people to do somethingClarion callIt is a  clarion call for all the students to partake in socio-cultural activities.
189.Changing moods quickly and oftenMercurialMamata Banarjee is notorious for her mercurial mood swings.
190.Confusing or difficult problemConundrumTackling inflation is a conundrum for the economic advisors of the Indian prime minister.
191.Crimes or other morally wrong acts : illegal or immoral behavior especially by young peopleDelinquencyThe delinquency of the juvenile persons should not go unnoticed.
192.Delay something until a later time because one does not want to do itProcrastinateProcrastination of task reduces your chances of getting noticed by your boss.
193.Easily annoyed or angered and likely to argueTruculentBeing truculent will project a negative image of your personality.
194.Events causing great and usually sudden damage or sufferingCatastropheThe world arena is currently witnessing a financial catastrophe.
195.Extreme self confidence or audacityChutzpahShiv Khera and Dale Carnegie have the chutzpah that makes them bloviate for lengthy hours.
196.Extremely excited and enthusiastic about doing somethingGung hoBookworms are basically a gung ho about literature.
197.Great work or the greatest achievement of an artist or a writerMagnum opus“The Great Expectations” is the magnum opus of Charles Dickens.
198.Language that is used among people who speak different languagesLingua francaEnglish is indubitably the lingua franca that annihilates communication breakdown in a multicultural environment.
199.Objects that are used to do a particular activity

  • Paraphernalia

  • Wherewithal

  • Appurtenances

Prior to go to fishing, one should check whether he has got the paraphernalia required for fishing.
200.Person who entices people to follow them in a particular course of action.Pied piperArvind Kejriwal is the latter day pied piper who has been imploring people not to turn a blind eye towards the rampant corruption.

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This Article is written Abhijeet Acharya.

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1 comment:

  1. Nice article. Useful enough for beginners :)


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