Thursday, 14 February 2013

Free Online Spoken English Difficult Words

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Free Online Spoken English

Difficult Words To Improve Your Spoken English vol-1

Free Online Spoken English

There are some Difficult  Words  Given Below with it's Examples.
Read,write and Apply These Words To  improve improve  Spoken English .

This is Volume-1 which contain  50 must-learn Difficult  Words.

Free Online Spoken English

1. Absquatulate-There does not appear to be a paucity of hooligans who absquatulate after committing flagitious felony.

2. Averruncate-The valedictorian year students of even the crème-de-la-crème engineering colleges encounter CATCH-22 between the options of embracing a white-collar job with astronomically high emolument in the corporate arena and embarking upon a techno-entrepreneurial odyssey of a Promethean technocrat.

3. Avalanche-An avalanche of engineering colleges have mushroomed in Odisha.

4. Ad nauseam-Twenty something engineering students don’t prefer to be sermonized ad nauseam by their pedagogues.

Free Online Spoken English Free Online Spoken English Free Online Spoken English Free Online Spoken English Free Online Spoken English Free Online Spoken English Free Online Spoken English Free Online Spoken English Free Online Spoken English Free Online Spoken English5. Argonaut-It takes the bravado of an Argonaut for a tramontane billionaires to solicit the bureaucratic, political & environmental go-ahead to invest moolah in India.

6. Adumbrate-It is always convenient for the preceptors of an engineering colleges to adumbrate his entire pedagogic agenda laconically in order to elucidate the proteges .

7. Adscititious-Partaking in extra-curricular activities ought not to be a  adscititious agenda for the engineering students and the latter ought to be espoused to partake in such activities.

8. Animadversion-Engineering students ought to scrutinize the animadversion of their pedagogues to be ne plus ultra.

9. Brobdingnagian-The expenditure pertaining to the tuition fees of engineering colleges have become brobdingnagian  and engineering aspirants with a moderate chrematistic/pecuniary background now-a-days find the accumulation of requisite simoleons a herculean task.

10 .Barnumize/Ballyhoo-The numero uno engineering college of India viz. IIT doesn’t have to barnumize/ballyhoo to enervate a tsunami of IIT aspirants.

11. Bromidic-It is mandatory to embrace audio-visual aids by the academicians not to vicariously ejaculate bromidic   preachification /lectures.

12.Bravura-Programming Language aficionados have got regurgitate the jargons of C,C++,JAVA et cetera to exhibit bravura performace in code-crunching.

13.Billet-doux-The offer-letter to a recruitment hopeful from the HR of the recruting firm is tantamount to a billet-doux jotted down from an inamorato to his dulcinea.

14.Brummagem-The cops have incarcerated the perpetrators who are culpable of printing and disseminating brummagem currency notes.

15.Byzantine-An engineering hopeful could easily be discombobulated in this byzantine framework of plethora engineering entrance examinations.

16. Braggadocio-Being braggadocio  in lieu of verecund vis-à-vis your feats could help you metamorphose from an organizational pygmy to a swashbuckling honcho.

17. Connoisseur-An individual has got to be a connoisseur of cutting edge gadgets in order to     averruncate the possibility of not being technology-savvy.

18. Conundrum-A gargantuan majority of engineering aspirants interpret IIT papers as conundrums.

19. Confabulate-Confabulating with the persons who reside in the altitude of organizational echelon is the sure-fire mantra to build rapport with them.

20. Camaraderie-The odyssey of an engineering student from freshman year to valedictorian year is absolutely replete with moments which can be exploited to cement the bond of camaraderie, bonhomie and amity with compeers.

21. Curmudgeon-Pedagogues ought to deep-six their attribute of being curmudgeon vis-à-vis students importuning/ obsecrating /impetrating to clarify their academic doubts.

22. Chutzpanik-It is high time we needed chutzpanik leaders to spearhead our country politics.

23. Cogitate-Conundrums could easily be unravelled by incessant cogitation.

24. Comme il faut-It is anything abut comme il faut for a varsity pedagogue to be embroiled in private coaching institutes.

25. Draconian-Harum-scarum driving of limousines will not be brooked by the draconian traffic police department.

26 .Dithyrambic-Engineering students have this penchant for partaking in dithyrambic shindigs to jettison the beliefs of nephalism and be proselytized into the myrmidons who pursuivant Dionysius.

27. Derring-do-Pusillanimous people can not affort to indulge in derring-do activities.

28. Dipsomaniac-A dipsomaniac is no one but a teetotaller with melancholy in his heart.

29. Dandify-An interviewee has to dandify him a wee bit in order to emit the aura of a professional –in-waiting.

30. Dissimulation-An act of dissimulation can jeopardize your camaraderie with your boon companions.

31. double-Dutch-Engineers are more likely to be susceptible to use double-Dutch phrases and terminologies.

32. Doppelganger-In latter day scenario,Engineering education has become the doppelganger of psittacine learning.

33. Expiscate-Extrapolating the corollary could only be accomplished by expiscating encyclopadic tomes.

34. Exsufflicate(adjective)-After the cessation of examination,engineering students with rodomontade commence ejaculating exsufflicate conjectures about how much SGPA they will be scoring.

35. Exsufflate-Engineering students have to exsufflate their anglophobia in order to get headhunted by Fortune 500 companies.

36. Expatiate-Engineering students with enthusiasm in a particular domain ought to expatiate their brainstorming sessions with friends and pedagogues.

37. Eleemosynary-The eleemosynary acts of IT behemoths like Azim Premji could usher in an era of IT revolution in states who are either parsimonious or impecunious vis-à-vis the outlay of money pertaining to Computer Education in Vernacular medium schools.

38. Evulgate-The valedictorian year students ought to woo online journal publishers to help them evulgate their project journals.

39. Evite/Evitate-An engineering student should evite/evitate the mephistophelean influence of bad company not spfflicate his/her quintessence.

40. Eutaxy-Presence of eutaxy is a desideratum in the daily to-do list of an engineering students.

41. Fatiloquent-Palmists often bamboozle gullible chaps under the pretext of being fatiloquent.

42. Facinorous-Engineering students often play the role of facinorous huckleberry Finns to parody their sagacious professors.

43. Fantoccini-students must have the carte-blanche of playing the role of architect of their own careers and their future endeavors ought not to be sabotaged by their parents who often depict as puppets of fantoccini

44. Fatuous-Professors often castigate fatuous students and extol the meretorious ones.

45. Fecundate-Students have to believe their gut-feeling to fecundate their endeavors into feats.

46. Flibbertigibbet-Accomplishing organizational objectives within stipulated duration of time is by no means a sinecure for a flibbertigibbet who is notorious for scrimshanking during duty.

47. Festinate-Union HRD ought to festinate the implementation of educational reforms.

48. Foudroyant-Thanks to the foudroyant downloading capability of internet ,the custom of soliciting ministrations from sagacious and venerable professors has become obsolete. An engineering student would rather indulge in the exhilaration lightning fast internet than supplicate before a pedagogue to help me understand the nitty-gritty of a subject.

49. Ginormous/Goliath-Without gumption a rookie can not  be a corporate Goliath.

50. Gingerly- An interviewee has to scrutinize his resume in a gingerly fashion.

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This Article is written Abhijeet Acharya.

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cellphone number-7873277571.

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