Free Online Spoken English
There are some Difficult Words Given Below with it's Examples.
Read,write and Apply These Words To improve improve Spoken English .
This is Volume-2 which contain 50 must-learn Difficult Words.
Free Online Spoken English
51. Gasconade-Gasconade is a sure-fire mechanism of publicizing oneself in a politically correct modus operandi.
52. Garrulous- Listening skills of an engineer far outweighs vitality of being garrulous.
53. Gerontocracy- Indian legislature should cogitate about the necessity of the presence of youth in the hegemony of the incumbent gerontocracy.
54. Gynaeolatry- The Hindutva traditions of worshiping scores of Goddesses videlicet Lakshmi, Saraswati & Kali is the testimony of Indians emphasizing gynaeolatry.
55. Gallimaufry- It has always been a herculean task to induce synergy between a gallimaufry of demographics.
56. Galvanize-Sate sanctioned engineering varsities could galvanize the technical education by appending the emphasis on Soft-Skill and Industrial training in their incumbent curriculum.
57. Horripilate-The thought of poltergeists and wraiths always makes me undergo horripilation.
58. Hobbledehoy- Engineering novices should bid adieu to their hobbledehoy characteristics to commingle with the professionals & honchos.
59. Harlequinade-Some engineering students are puerile enough to indulge in harlequinade.
60. Hebdomadal-To accomplish a long term goal , one needs to perform a hebdomadal review of his progress.
61. Hebetude-Government’s hebetude vis-à-vis addressing educational agenda is the raison d’etre of the deteriorating standards of the secondary and higher secondary education.
62. Heuristic-Pedagogues must inculcate a heuristic environment in the classroom.
63. Hoi polloi-The hoi polloi always bears the brunt of escalation of fuel prices and depreciation of rupee vis-à-vis dollar.
64 .Hortatory-Apparatchiki have the knack of ejaculating hortatory speeches.
65. Harangue-Opposition leaders leave no stones unturned to harangue the ruling part apparatchiki.
66. Ithyphallic-Lascivious men feel no compunction in gesticulating voluptuous women in an ithyphallic manner.
67. Insinuate-One needs to read between the lines in order to decipher the cryptic insinuations.
68. Ingratiating-Ingratiating myrmidons always pursuivant their superiors.
69. Ignoramus-A gargantuan majority of the geriatric community are technology ignoramuses.
70. Illaqueate-Students who endeavor to study in overseas varsities ought to ensure not be illaqueated by go-betweens who promise lucrative deals.
71. Impugn-Not impugning against the heterodox modi operandi of your superiors is the testimony of you being a lily livered/yellow bellied /chicken hearted employee/subordinate.
72. Ideopraxist-A budding entrepreneur needs to be an ideopraxist in order to fructify his ideas.
73. Juxtaposition-Juxtaposition of soft skills with technical proficiency should be made to churn out a full fledged engineer.
74. Juggernaut-The sure-fire modus operandi of grooming the valedictorian year students is to hire industry juggernauts who have taken cognizance of industry requirements.
75. Jostle-Owing to the mushrooming of concrete jungles, the arable lands existence might be in jeopardy.
76. Jack-O-lantern/ Will-O’-The-Wisp –Panjandrums can always be deemed as Will-O’-The-Wisps who you can not have rendezvous with
77. Jactitation-There are ways other than jactitation to woo your boss.
78. Jocular-Having jocular conversation helps employees reduce the stress magnitude by the secretion of endorphin.
79. Jurant- Jurants must not enunciate sacred oaths frivolously.
80. Jurisdiction-Imploring students not to partake in carousals is in the jurisdiction of the parents
81. Kaleidoscope-Engineering students must augment their industry contacts to be adept in the entire kaleidoscope of industrial requirements.
82. Kakistocracy-What Indian populace has witnessed ever since the advent of independence is nothing but kakistocracy.
83. Kleptomaniac-Venal apparatchiki are the kleptomaniacs who are mercantile enough to loot our national exchequer by malfeasance and fiscal profligacy.
84. Kowtow-Parliamentarians ought not to kowtow to the demands of self professed anti corruption crusaders videlicet Anna Hazare,Kiran Bedi,Arvind Kejriwal who are venerated as squeaky clean and holier-than-thou individuals by the media.
85. Kudos-Kudos to the venturesome & daredevil soldiers who jeopardize their own lives to safeguard ours.
86. Kicksy-Wicksy – A man’s kicksy-wicksy is the one who is a manager extraordinaire without an MBA degree.
87. Kenspeckle-The expenditure of venal and corrupt politicians should be made kenspeckle.
88. cri de Coeur-It is my cri de Coeur to the newly anointed HRD minister, M.M Pallam Raju to implement prophylaxis that will averruncate the heterogeneous educational standards between vernacular medium and English medium schools.
89. Labefy-The reverence that should be exhibited towards elders has been labefying.
90. Laissez-faire-Under the influence of laissez-faire leadership modus operandi, It is convenient for the subordinates to establish vertical communication with their superiors.
91. Lampoon-Engineering students often lampoon their pedagogues during their social networking website confabulation.
92. Ludicrous-Nothing is more ludicrous than engineering students applying for Banking Probationary Officer echelon.
93. Locum-tenens- Locum-tenens is someone who holds the pro tempore authority to issue diktats in a scenario where the bona fide leader is hors de combat.
94. Litterateur-At this particular juncture, there is a paucity of litterateurs like Chetan Bhagat who know the odyssey of an engineering student inside out.
95. Logodaedaly- Literary Czar, Shakespeare had the proclivity of mesmerizing his readers by logodaedaly.
96. Lilliputian- Tainted apparatchiki always let a Lilliputian amount of the exchequer be spent for the welfare of the taxpayer and a Lion’s share be engulfed by them.
97. Lingua-franca-English is unequivocally the lingua franca.
98. Longanimity-Engineering students must display longanimity vis-à-vis clearing their backlogs and getting recruited as a mind with pandemonium does no good.
99. Machiavellian-There is a surplus of Machiavellian apparatchiki in the Indian parliament who prioritize their personal welfare in lieu of public welfare.
100. Mordacious- Our quondam Director of academic affair used to be mordacious reviler of those who feel no compunction vis-à-vis boycotting lectures and playing truant with their obligations.
Stay Connected With us for more Updates about Free online spoken English course.
This Article is written Abhijeet Acharya.
For submission of suggestions and straight forward feedback,the author could be reached at :.
cellphone number-7873277571.
Difficult Words To Improve Your Spoken English vol-2
Free Online Spoken English
There are some Difficult Words Given Below with it's Examples.
Read,write and Apply These Words To improve improve Spoken English .
This is Volume-2 which contain 50 must-learn Difficult Words.
Free Online Spoken English
51. Gasconade-Gasconade is a sure-fire mechanism of publicizing oneself in a politically correct modus operandi.
52. Garrulous- Listening skills of an engineer far outweighs vitality of being garrulous.
53. Gerontocracy- Indian legislature should cogitate about the necessity of the presence of youth in the hegemony of the incumbent gerontocracy.
54. Gynaeolatry- The Hindutva traditions of worshiping scores of Goddesses videlicet Lakshmi, Saraswati & Kali is the testimony of Indians emphasizing gynaeolatry.
55. Gallimaufry- It has always been a herculean task to induce synergy between a gallimaufry of demographics.
56. Galvanize-Sate sanctioned engineering varsities could galvanize the technical education by appending the emphasis on Soft-Skill and Industrial training in their incumbent curriculum.
57. Horripilate-The thought of poltergeists and wraiths always makes me undergo horripilation.
58. Hobbledehoy- Engineering novices should bid adieu to their hobbledehoy characteristics to commingle with the professionals & honchos.
60. Hebdomadal-To accomplish a long term goal , one needs to perform a hebdomadal review of his progress.
61. Hebetude-Government’s hebetude vis-à-vis addressing educational agenda is the raison d’etre of the deteriorating standards of the secondary and higher secondary education.
62. Heuristic-Pedagogues must inculcate a heuristic environment in the classroom.
63. Hoi polloi-The hoi polloi always bears the brunt of escalation of fuel prices and depreciation of rupee vis-à-vis dollar.
64 .Hortatory-Apparatchiki have the knack of ejaculating hortatory speeches.
65. Harangue-Opposition leaders leave no stones unturned to harangue the ruling part apparatchiki.
66. Ithyphallic-Lascivious men feel no compunction in gesticulating voluptuous women in an ithyphallic manner.
67. Insinuate-One needs to read between the lines in order to decipher the cryptic insinuations.
68. Ingratiating-Ingratiating myrmidons always pursuivant their superiors.
69. Ignoramus-A gargantuan majority of the geriatric community are technology ignoramuses.
70. Illaqueate-Students who endeavor to study in overseas varsities ought to ensure not be illaqueated by go-betweens who promise lucrative deals.
71. Impugn-Not impugning against the heterodox modi operandi of your superiors is the testimony of you being a lily livered/yellow bellied /chicken hearted employee/subordinate.
72. Ideopraxist-A budding entrepreneur needs to be an ideopraxist in order to fructify his ideas.
73. Juxtaposition-Juxtaposition of soft skills with technical proficiency should be made to churn out a full fledged engineer.
74. Juggernaut-The sure-fire modus operandi of grooming the valedictorian year students is to hire industry juggernauts who have taken cognizance of industry requirements.
75. Jostle-Owing to the mushrooming of concrete jungles, the arable lands existence might be in jeopardy.
76. Jack-O-lantern/ Will-O’-The-Wisp –Panjandrums can always be deemed as Will-O’-The-Wisps who you can not have rendezvous with
77. Jactitation-There are ways other than jactitation to woo your boss.
78. Jocular-Having jocular conversation helps employees reduce the stress magnitude by the secretion of endorphin.
79. Jurant- Jurants must not enunciate sacred oaths frivolously.
80. Jurisdiction-Imploring students not to partake in carousals is in the jurisdiction of the parents
81. Kaleidoscope-Engineering students must augment their industry contacts to be adept in the entire kaleidoscope of industrial requirements.
82. Kakistocracy-What Indian populace has witnessed ever since the advent of independence is nothing but kakistocracy.
83. Kleptomaniac-Venal apparatchiki are the kleptomaniacs who are mercantile enough to loot our national exchequer by malfeasance and fiscal profligacy.
84. Kowtow-Parliamentarians ought not to kowtow to the demands of self professed anti corruption crusaders videlicet Anna Hazare,Kiran Bedi,Arvind Kejriwal who are venerated as squeaky clean and holier-than-thou individuals by the media.
85. Kudos-Kudos to the venturesome & daredevil soldiers who jeopardize their own lives to safeguard ours.
86. Kicksy-Wicksy – A man’s kicksy-wicksy is the one who is a manager extraordinaire without an MBA degree.
87. Kenspeckle-The expenditure of venal and corrupt politicians should be made kenspeckle.
88. cri de Coeur-It is my cri de Coeur to the newly anointed HRD minister, M.M Pallam Raju to implement prophylaxis that will averruncate the heterogeneous educational standards between vernacular medium and English medium schools.
89. Labefy-The reverence that should be exhibited towards elders has been labefying.
90. Laissez-faire-Under the influence of laissez-faire leadership modus operandi, It is convenient for the subordinates to establish vertical communication with their superiors.
91. Lampoon-Engineering students often lampoon their pedagogues during their social networking website confabulation.
92. Ludicrous-Nothing is more ludicrous than engineering students applying for Banking Probationary Officer echelon.
93. Locum-tenens- Locum-tenens is someone who holds the pro tempore authority to issue diktats in a scenario where the bona fide leader is hors de combat.
94. Litterateur-At this particular juncture, there is a paucity of litterateurs like Chetan Bhagat who know the odyssey of an engineering student inside out.
95. Logodaedaly- Literary Czar, Shakespeare had the proclivity of mesmerizing his readers by logodaedaly.
96. Lilliputian- Tainted apparatchiki always let a Lilliputian amount of the exchequer be spent for the welfare of the taxpayer and a Lion’s share be engulfed by them.
97. Lingua-franca-English is unequivocally the lingua franca.
98. Longanimity-Engineering students must display longanimity vis-à-vis clearing their backlogs and getting recruited as a mind with pandemonium does no good.
99. Machiavellian-There is a surplus of Machiavellian apparatchiki in the Indian parliament who prioritize their personal welfare in lieu of public welfare.
100. Mordacious- Our quondam Director of academic affair used to be mordacious reviler of those who feel no compunction vis-à-vis boycotting lectures and playing truant with their obligations.
Stay Connected With us for more Updates about Free online spoken English course.
This Article is written Abhijeet Acharya.
For submission of suggestions and straight forward feedback,the author could be reached at :.
cellphone number-7873277571.