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There are some one Word Substitution Given Below with it's uses.
Read,write and Apply These Words To improve improve Spoken English .
This is Volume-3 which contain more 50 must-learn one word substitutes.
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This Article is written Abhijeet Acharya
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cellphone number-7873277571
ONE WORD Substitutes To Improve Your Spoken English volume -3
Free Online Spoken English
There are some one Word Substitution Given Below with it's uses.
Read,write and Apply These Words To improve improve Spoken English .
This is Volume-3 which contain more 50 must-learn one word substitutes.
100. | A drug whose purpose is to diminish the body temperature |
| Doctor prescribed me some febrifuges to make my body temperature diminish. |
101. | A drug whose purpose is to reduce pain | Analgesic | Athletics consume analgesic drugs to alleviate their muscular agony. |
102. | The inner most part of a temple |
| No one but the priest has the authority to enter into the adytum of the sanctum sanctorum. |
103. |
| Avalanche | The state capitol has recently witnessed an avalanche of heinous crimes like rape, burglary, robbery, shoplifting et cetera. |
104. | Person employed to detect suspected offenders by tempting them to overt action | Agent provocateur | Agents provocateurs play an instrumental role vis-à-vis incarceration of culprits. |
105. | The quality of affording easy familiarity and sociability | camaraderie | India versus Pakistan cricket rubber might be tantamount to a camaraderie inducing step by both BCCI and PCB. |
106. | A socially awkward or tactless act | Faux pas | Socially inept people often commit the faux pas of not introducing themselves to others. |
107. | To take or let out the bowels or interior parts of |
| Nazi soldiers used to eviscerate Jews during the World War-II. |
108. | Someone who talks much |
| Spokespersons of political parties are unequivocally loquacious. |
109. | To deprive of the rights of a citizen | Disenfranchise | Our constitution does not disenfranchise us. |
110. | The act of passengers and crew getting off of a ship or aircraft | Disembarkation | After the disembarkation, the passengers are likely to wait for their luggage in the carousel. |
111. | Commencing or in process of development |
| Nuclear power in India is in the nascent stage. |
112. | A person’s regular place of abode | Domicile | Gwalior is Scindia family’s domicile. |
113. |
| Quid pro quo | The act of corruption is a form of quid pro quo. |
114. | To listen private conversation / confabulation surreptitiously | Eavesdrop | Intelligence agencies eavesdrop the confabulations of tainted ministers. |
115. | Someone / something who/which destroys its own creator | Frankenstein’s monster | IPL turned out to be Frankenstein’s monster for its creator, Lalit Modi. |
116. | Passed from one person to another | Hand-me-down | Some actors do not be involved in the hand-me-down movies. |
117. | Do away with wholly | Abrogate | Khap panchayats have abrogated same gotra marriage. |
118. | Systematic killing of a racial or cultural group | genocide | Syrian citizens witnessed genocide of their own compatriots. |
119. | An oration in praise of some person or achievement |
| After clinching silver medal in 2012 London Olympics, panegyrics have been written for the Indian grappler Sushil Kumar. |
120. |
| Hallucination | Narcotic drugs like LSD can induce hallucination. |
121. | An assortment of various things |
| In a book fair, one can find a gallimaufry of books. |
122. | A complex pattern of constantly changing colors and shapes | Kaleidoscope | The kaleidoscope of Indian tourism can be experienced by gallivanting from Kashmir to Kanyakumari. |
123. | Someone who has an inclination for fight / war |
| US and Al Qaida, both find each other pugnacious entities. |
124. | A books which is handwritten | Manuscript | I have prepared a manuscript of the book I have been endeavoring to jot down. |
125. | Easily broken | Brittle | Vitrified goods are absolutely fragile. |
126. | Uncertain or unable to decide about what course to follow | Rudderless | During the absence of my project pedagogue, I was absolutely rudderless. |
127. | Someone who hates mankind | Misanthropist | It has become a general perception that terrorists are misanthropists. |
128. | Sending a person who has been accused of a crime to another state or country for trial | Extradite | US solicits that India should extradite Qasav for trial in US. |
129. | Rampart or entrenchment made round space for siege or defense | Circumvallation | Gardens need to be undergone circumvallation for keeping bovine species at bay. |
130. | Something as a writing, that is of doubtful authorship or authority | Apocrypha | Rumors are the genesis of apocryphal stories. |
131. | One who has vowed to desist himself from sexual intercourse | Celibate | Monks and sages take vows of celibacy. |
132. | The act of spying | Espionage | Eavesdropping is a modus operandi of espionage. |
133. | One who is engaged to marry someone | Betrothed | Genelia D’Souza is betrothed to Ritesh Deshmukh. |
134. | A man who has several wives | Polygynist | Many Moslem men are polygynists. |
135. | A woman who has several husbands | Polyandrist | In Indian society, Polyandrists are hard to find. |
136. | Someone who is married to two or more people at the same time | Polygamist | Indian Penal Code criminalizes those who are polygamist. |
137. | The preface or introduction to a discourse, poem or performance | Prologue | The prologue adumbrates the book you are about to peruse. |
138. | The closing part of a discourse , in which the principal matters are recapitulated | Epilogue | The epilogue synopsizes the book you have just perused. |
139. | The part of grammar which treats of the letters and of the art of spelling words correctly | Orthography | Orthography annihilates the possibility of the presence of anacoluthon in a text. |
140. | Any enterprise undertaken with zeal and enthusiasm | Crusade | Anna Hazare’s anti graft crusade will be hell bent on exposing corrupt avatars of the ministers. |
141. | A decision on which all agree | Unanimous | The president of our club is unanimously elected. |
142. | A speech made to oneself | Soliloquy | Soliloquy helps me communicate to myself and explore my innermost endeavors. |
143. | The right to approve or reject by popular vote a measure passed upon by a legislature | Referendum | Referendum is a sure fire way to estimate the popularity of a government. |
144. | Something that can be easily read | Legible | Legible handwriting is convenient to peruse. |
145. | Something that can not be easily read | Illegible | Deciphering illegible handwriting is cumbersome task. |
146. | Something which can not be corrected | Incorrigible | Incorrigible liars always fib. |
147. | Saying or writing very harsh and critical things | Vilify | Media personnel often vilify celebrities and politicians. |
148. | The property left to someone by will | Legacy | Reliance is the legacy which is spearheaded by Ambani brothers. |
149. | A list of things to be discussed at a meeting | Agenda | For the upcoming bilateral dialogue with China, India needs to fine tune its agenda. |
150. | One who is completely self satisfied | Complacent | Success and triumph make people complacent. |
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This Article is written Abhijeet Acharya
For submission of suggestions and straight forward feedback,the author could be reached at
cellphone number-7873277571